The De Peysters

John Homer Chance my great-great-grandfather, married his cousin Cornelia De Peyster-Chance. Her father was George Chance (brother of Robert Lucas Chance) who had gone to the USA to promote the business there and had met her mother (also Cornelia) in New York.

There is a long association between the De Peysters and NY or as it was once called New Amsterdam. It is not certain but Cornelia was probably living there. Her mother was Sarah Macomb, and her father was Arent Schuyler De Peyster who was a sea captain. He in his privateer the 'Rebecca' sailed past, and was responsible for naming the Ellice Islands in the Pacific, now Tuvalu. His uncle of the same name was a career soldier who served in Europe during the Seven Years War and in North America during the late 18th century. He was the commandant at Fort Detroit and befriended the tribes of Lake Indians who sided with the British during the war of independence. Although a native of New York he eventually retired to Dumfries where he met Robert Burns in the local militia.

It is thought that De Peysters were of Dutch Protestant origin; who probably left the Netherlands during the Spanish occupation, (although they might have been French Huguenots). They migrated To the New World, where they became among other things, statesmen, soldiers and merchants. Two De Peysters were mayors of New York, the most noteworthy being Abraham De Peyster who held the office from 1691 to 1695. He seems to have occupied several of the most important colonial offices and became one of the cities wealthiest merchants. He was the ancestor of Arent Schuyler de Peyster whose daughter Cornelia married George Chance. Please note the new and updated De Peyster and Chance family trees on this site.